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Bojana Gregorić presents Seventy Spring Collection

This season, one of the most beautiful Croatian actresses Bojana Gregorić Vejzović, embodies the face of Italian luxury brand Seventy. The minimalistic and sophisticated editorial was produced by famous fashion photographer Jelena Balic, showing  the main stylistic preferences of Seventy collection for spring – summer 2016. Bojana as Seventy woman is presenting all the elegance and subtle confident of a modern women through soft and relaxed silhouette of Seventy collection.


Bojana Gregoric (6) Bojana Gregoric (7) Bojana Gregoric (8) Bojana Gregoric (9) Bojana Gregoric (10) Bojana Gregoric (2) Bojana Gregoric (3) Bojana Gregoric (4)Bojana Gregoric (5) Bojana Gregoric (1)

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